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Survival Tools & Weapons

If you’re a harmless pacifist, you need change that mentality ASAP. It’s sort of like the knowledge of martial arts – you never need to use this attitude until you truly need it, because having to defend yourself or to hunt in order to survive will be a reality when things get dire.

Discover the best weapons that can help you defend yourself, your loved ones and your property, as well as hunt for a living.

The Best TASER and Stun Guns of 2024 Revealed

Stun guns are becoming increasingly popular, firstly as a deterrent and then as a means of self-defense. By disrupting the muscle and motor functionality of the gun’s victim, it causes much pain, but no actual injury. It works by means of delivering the electric shock via two pins making direct ...

Become an Expert Hunter With the Best Crossbows of 2024

If you’re looking to buy a crossbow, it helps to know where to start. There are numerous models, all with different features, and designed for various tasks, and it can be confusing to know what to look for. First, consider why you want a crossbow. A model that keeps the kids happy is going ...

Neutralize Threats With The Top 3 Best Stun Guns of 2024

Imagine the scene . . . Holed up in your cabin while the most gruesome of Romero’s zombie hordes roam unchecked, dropping the occasional limb. Unfortunately you’ve failed your Prepper’s qualification and have no available weapons; you do, however, have a microwave, a small screwdriver, a ...

Our Favorite Water Purifier For Safe Drinking

  There is a so-called Law of Three that governs our existence, whether in an everyday environment or a TEOTWAWKI situation: Survival is only possible for three minutes without oxygen Survival is only possible for three hours without warmth Survival is only possible for three ...

Top 3 Practical, Sturdy Kayaks in 2024 – Revealed

  In survival scenarios, there may be times where you will have to get from point A to point B by a boat, or a kayak. Since boats are quite big, having a kayak is much more practical, and cheaper to buy. Kayaks can help with many things, it doesn’t just get you from one place to ...

Best Hunting Knives of 2024

You must already know the importance of having a good hunting knife with you since it is considered every survivalist’s bread and butter. However, there is a big difference between a mediocre knife and a hunting knife that will make your job much easier. At Survival Marketplace, we have almost ...

Best Gun Safes: Protect Your Protection

Every survivalist must know that in some extreme cases, a time will come where you have to defend yourself with a gun. However, we know that it’s not safe to leave your weapons, like airguns and knives, around the house, where they may be accessed by children or people who shouldn't have access ...

Survival Marketplace